How Pet Sitters are Keeping Best Friends Together

Finding the perfect pet sitter is serious business! Here's why.

How Pet Sitters are Keeping Best Friends Together

Professional pet sitters play an incredibly important role in the lives of both pets and their people. So, in honor of Pet Sitters Week happening this month, we’d like to highlight how these amazing pet professionals are keeping best friends together each and every day. Their work isn’t always easy, but coming home to safe, sound, and happy pets surely makes us grateful.

There’s No Place Like Home

The concept of “home” may seem like it would be exclusive to human emotion, but the truth is, pets love their homes and can feel uncomfortable in different or new environments just like we can. Certain pets have an especially hard time being away from home and family and cannot handle staying in a kennel or daycare center. They may even experience a state of emotional trauma, acting out with aggression, aversion or reclusion, destructive behaviors, and/or frequent accidents. In these cases, a pet sitter can really save the day.

Pet Sitters Preserve Safety

Leaving your best friend behind is never easy – it’s typical to feel a little worry, sadness, and stress before departure. Your pet will experience these feelings along with you, noticing packing and suitcases, commotion, and changes in your demeanor. Professional pet sitters are here to lighten the load for all involved and create some safety and comfort.

For starters, hiring a pet sitter will ensure that your pet remains in a safe environment that is specific to their needs. Examples include:

- a high fence for dogs that jump
- a screened-in porch or covered deck for indoor-only cats
- indoor and outdoor spaces that are clear of hazardous items (like yard equipment)
- areas that are clear of potential escape routes
- and clutter-free rooms and floors for pets that chew

To top it off, pets will not experience potential traumas from travel and will not be at risk of exposure to another animal’s illness.

They Provide Love & Comfort Too

Comfort - for people and their pets - is one of the greatest benefits of a pet sitter. Being at home can reduce potential anxiety and ensure your pet is surrounded by:
- familiar smells
- their pet siblings
- the same food, treats, and toys
- routine and tradition
- and, of course, frequent love and attention.

Choosing a Sitter

Pet sitters are professionals; therefore, any good sitter will appreciate detailed questions, instructions, and obviously, strive to meet your expectations. Don’t be afraid to inquire for references and ask if they have liability insurance. It’s always a good idea to have them walk through your home, meet your pets, and observe your routines, relationship style, and training methods.

One Last Thing Before You Go!

Don’t leave town unless your pet has a proper ID tag. We have numerous pet-sitter clients that order their own custom tags (that are then worn by clients) just in case anything happens. This is the ultimate way they can ensure best friends remain together and safe!