There has been a noticeable increase in the use of alternative treatments in the human medical community over the last few years as people begin to seek more natural remedies for their ailments. This movement has spread and is steadily branching out into the care and treatment of our animal pals as well.
There has been a noticeable increase in the use of alternative treatments in the human medical community over the last few years as people begin to seek more natural remedies for their ailments. This movement has spread and is steadily branching out into the care and treatment of our animal pals as well.
Sometimes a traditional medication is not the way to go, especially if harmful or uncomfortable side effects come along with it. Let’s take a look at some of the alternative therapies that exist and work well for pets to soothe and help with typical problems you furry pal might run into.
Massage Therapy
Dogs are prone to develop joint or bone conditions as they age, much in the same way that their human counterparts do. Therapeutic dog massage techniques can help ease this discomfort and we all know dogs love to be rubbed all over as it is.
There are a few methods one can use to massage your pet. The most popular includes a combination of rolling and kneading your dog’s skin. Another incorporates a “hard petting” with prolonged strokes that can help calm and soothe pain. You can easily adapt most human massage routines to work for your pet pal.
Not only can dog massage techniques help to ease joint and muscle pain but they also increase flexibility by regularly stretching and working your pet’s body. It also has been known to promote and strengthen the relationship between pet and owner. Another advantage is that when massaging your pet you are more likely to find irregular masses or lumps that can alert you quickly to a potential issue.
Ancient Acupuncture
Acupuncture is centered around the Chinese theory of energy flow or Qi (pronounced “Chi”) through the body and into or through internal organs.
It is used to help reduce pain and inflammation in dogs by stimulating the energy within their bodies to help jump-start the healing process. Modern veterinary acupuncture actually uses a number of systems to help treat your dog’s problems, including standard acupuncture needles, needles and electric stimulation or lasers as a source of stimulation.
This ancient process is implemented to reduce inflammation and discomfort in canines by manipulating the energy flow in their bodies to increase the speed if healing. There are various different kinds of acupuncture used on dogs currently including small acupuncture needles, electric stimulation, and lasers. All are painless and promote harmony within.
Canine Chiropractors
Chiropractic procedures for dogs are based on the same principles that are used on humans. The goal is to use adjustment to align the vertebrae in the spine into their correct positions. This therapy has positive results in restoring range of motion in problem areas and increasing agility and flexibility.
Chiropractic regimens should be performed by a certified veterinary chiropractor or trained veterinarian only. This is not an alternative treatment that can be administered in the home setting. You can search for a qualified individual through the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association, a trusted source on the matter.
Common scenarios that chiropractic care can help with include problems with standing up or laying down, pain associated with jumping up or down, recovery from a serious injury, or keeping in top agility shape for competitions.
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Alternative treatments can be a great way to help your dog overcome problems and ailments without subjecting them to too many medications. Dog massage techniques, chiropractic care and acupuncture can be a useful tool to increase your pet's wellness. However, if you think your pet might have a very serious issue it is always important to get them to their vet so everything can be checked out from a professional standpoint. There are very serious conditions or health issues that alternative treatments will not be able to cure and that require traditional medicines or treatments. Always ask you vet’s advice before starting any of these alternate methods of healing. |
Russ Barker is always on the look out healthy tips like dog massage techniques that can make life better for pet's of all varities. He is a master of words and a blogger at, an establishment that produces the most beautiful high-quality pet ID tags available on the market today. They believe in a world where all pets are protected with proper identification to ensure safe returns when lost. Custom dog tags are a great way to keep your pet safe and stylish.