In human years we’ve been around for over a decade. In dog years, quite a bit more. We’ve managed to work with a lot of fine folks and make even finer friends throughout all this time.
From industry-leading companies to small businesses, local governments to nonprofits, we take pride in providing high quality, durable wholesale dog tags, all with competitive pricing, fast turnaround, and great customer service. But this is just part of what we do and why we do it.

Bulk Pet I.D. Tags, Personalized for Your Business
Choose from thousands of dog tag designs created by our artists, or customize your own tag to feature your business’ logo, name, and more.
Private Label
From pet microchip services to dog boutiques, we’ve worked with a variety of businesses to private label custom pet I.D. tags to pair with their other products and services.
Brand Promotions
Turn your customers (and their pets) into brand ambassadors for your company by gifting them a personalized pet tag
Pet Services
Keep your customers’ pets safe and protected by including custom I.D. tags as a part of your veterinarian, sitter, grooming, or boarding services.
Companies That Wear Dog Tag Art

- Groomers
- Pet Boarders
- Pet sitters & walkers
- Veterinarians
- Rescues & shelters
- Pet microchip companies
- Pet food producers
- Pet pharmaceutical
- Pet toy manufacturers & retailers