Here's what the Humane Society of the United States, says about pet id tags:
Don't rely on the microchip as your only method of identification! While your local animal control agency may have a scanner, your next-door neighbor doesn't and when your cat or a dog gets loose, the people in your area have the best and earliest chance of finding her. Should your beloved pet get lost, a collar and pet id tag are still the most reliable way to make sure she gets home again. (Animal Sheltering magazine, Jan./Feb. 2009)
As many as 7 million cats and dogs in the U.S. end up in animal shelters each year. Typically, more than half of these animals are euthanized. Less than 2 percent of cats and less than 20 percent of dogs are re-united with their owners, according to the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy. While most shelters now microchip animals, this method of identification is not foolproof.
So whether you own a dog or a cat, your pet should be wearing proper pet ID tag. Dog Tag Art's unique customized pet ID tags give you four lines of personalized information that won't wear off – plus cool original designs so your pet has some style! that's why our tags are the most reliable (and best looking) way to identify your pet.