Happy Mother’s Day to all of the two-legged and four-legged moms out there! Today is your day and there’s no better time to celebrate your unmatchable influence on our lives. These amazing Dog Tag Art fans told us about their loyal mamas and how much they’ve made the world a better and brighter place. We hope this inspires you to hold mom just a little closer today and everyday.
Moms Keep Us Looking Good
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“Our momma always makes sure we look dapper when we go out.” |
Moms Teach Us to be Healthy
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“My name is Elvis, and I am Sato (Puerto Rican street dog). I live in NJ now with my Mom and Dad. My Mom is the best: she always has the best treats, she always hugs and kisses me even if I get annoyed about it, she takes me for walks and hikes and to the beach, and I just love snuggling with her. My favorite thing is when she comes home from work... And I run and jump into her arms. Oh, and she always makes time for me... even when she is in the middle of her yoga stuff. I love her for giving me a good life.” |
Moms Keep the Family Together
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“Our momma believes in animal rescue. She loves all of us rescues and volunteers her time with Stray Animal Adoption Program (SAAP) to love on other animals too. We just adopted another fur sister for SAAP that was a former momma dog and needed some fur-brothers and sisters to love.” |
Moms Love Unconditionally
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“You saved me when I was minutes away from euthanasia at the shelter. You didn't care when they branded me a 'monster' only cause I'm a black pit bull. You tended to me when I was seriously ill and dangerously underweight, you didn't even mind the many soiled blankets and carpets or the midnight vigils. Thank you ma, I'd never known LOVE till you brought me HOME.” |
Moms Teach Us Lessons
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“My mama adopted me last year on mother's day. I used to be terrified of strangers, but mama gave me confidence and showed me that she is a great leader and I don't have to worry because mama will take care of the scary people. I even know up to 67 tricks! Some commands in Japanese! I am one spoiled brat though! My birthday is coming up, and my mama reserved a doggy bday cake that was $40! Hehehe anyway, my mama help build my confidence and was so patient with me!!! Woof!” |
Moms Heal Our Wounds
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“My mama takes good care of me, I have epilepsy and knee problems. I'm only 3 years old, too! It's a lot to handle but my mama does the best she can. She gives me all my medicine, takes me to therapy, we go to training class (even though I'm very shy - we're working on that). And we snuggle through every chilly Alaskan night. My mommy takes me on long walks and sometimes hikes even though I'm very particular. I only like to tinkle in my yard. I have a whole family who loves me. An aunty, and my nana and pop-pop. Even my dachshund brother, but he's old and cranky. Anyways... my mommy is the best, she spoils me rotten!” |
Moms Show Us the World
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“My Mom means the world to me because she and her sister rescued my sister and I and now we get to see each other all the time and play. We also go on lots of road trips and go to fun places (something I wouldn't have ever dreamed of doing at the puppy mill.)” |
Moms Help Us Grow
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“My mama rescued me when I was afraid of everyone and everything. She has been by my side helping me learn to like humans and not fear things like bridges, bikes, and wind! I'm a good dog now.” |
Moms are Forever
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“My mom and I were best friends for 11 years, until cancer called me to Heaven. My mom was always by my side, holding me in her arms when I was a new puppy, loving me through all of life's great adventures, then holding me in her arms again as I took my last breaths. I know my mom misses me so much and cries for me. I wish I could show her that I'm still by her side, as a doggy angel, and that I'll be here when she gets here, one day. My mom does dog rescue and I'm proud of her every time she helps a dog in need. I know she knows that's the best way to honor my memory and the love that we will forever share. Love from Heaven, Cedar” |
Tell the World How Much You Love Mom
For all of the furballs out there wanting to show their mamas a little extra love and appreciation, we have the perfect pet id tags for you! Check out Max and Gracie Lou Freebush showing the world how much they idolize mom:
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Max wearing his Mama's Boy Tag |
Gracie wearing her Mama's Girl Pet ID Tag |
Thank you to everyone that submitted adorable photos and heartwarming stories for the "Mama Love" contest. Stay tuned for more fun contests and opportunities to win awesome pet tags on Dog Tag Art’s Facebook page. |